It's been a long time, i know. And the worst part is, I don't even have any stick figures for you. Actually, that's not the worst part. I have others. Karma has officially come to get me this month.
My laptop is officially dead. Won't turn on. Won't even try. I've lost all of the dance music for my class, my Sims addiction, my blog images, my school essays, and any graphic designs that I can think of off the top of my head. And no, I didn't make a backup, or whatever it's called. Quit asking me and then shaking your head as if it's my fault now that I didn't prepare for the worst. It's NOT my fault...well, it kind of is. I may have spilled a glass of wine on the keyboard. But I lost a glass of wine. That should be enough sacrifice.
I've quite smoking for Lent. In retrospect, I should have quit something a bit easier, had I known what kind of a week it would be. Maybe something like, water. While I'm not craving the nicotine (still not quite addicted to that part), I do miss having the quiet time for myself to think.
My car broke down. Twice. In one day. The first time was admittedly my fault, as I left my lights on all morning. What's weird is that a lady actually chased me into the building to warn me that I had left them on. However, since I was still pre-coffee (and karma hates me), I just nodded and said "yeah, they turn off". Like, they so don't. After a long day at work, I finally called CAA at aroun 8, and had to wait 2 hours for them to arrive. THEN the battery died again after I came back from the gym, because I left the interior lights on. Like, seriously.
While this has been a looming problem for the last little while, it's been especially difficult to deal with lately. My cousin is getting married in May. She interrupted my first birthday party by being born, and ever since then we've been on a competition streak. Actually, that's not quite true, since she's better than me in pretty much every way I can think of. Not really competition if I keep losing. But this, a wedding, makes it official. I'm going to be single and 28, and she's going to be a bride at 27.
Things aren't looking well for my heart, either. While I don't really want to go into the details just yet, it looks like I might be doing things on my own for a while. This, above all else, sucks the most. Because I could deal with the above problems as long as he's there. But he's not. And everything's crashing down.
And I can't breathe.
things will turn out, daisy love. The better times ahead will seem that much more amazing if you've come from the very bottom.
Condolences on your lost glass of wine.
Love it.
Your site is awesome! I shouldn't laugh because you sound really down today but I laughed out loud when you were talking about the life long competition between you and your cousin..There is something funny about it.
All I can say is keep on being your wonderful self and the right man will come. It wasn't until I decided I didn't need a man and could be happy alone that I found Kyle, my husband. I know it's annoying to hear love stories when your not feeling it but don't loose hope!
From the little I have read and seen from your seem really creative and cool. I admire your skills girl!
My dating tip..I don't know if you go to church at all but go! find a church with a good college group and meet a really nice guy. I swear, you will thank me!
Keep on Keeping On!
Ok I feel like a fool.. Ousta!This is your blog...ohhh my goodnessssss..I don't know what I was thinking.
haha..I love how I say you seem really creative and cool. umm DUH!
You Totally are!
I am kicking myself right now.
love ya.
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