Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sloppy Seconds

It was one of those moments. I was screwed. That electric, animalistic and familiar wave of energy that I inhaled through my nostrils as I walked into the mall. My nerves were humming. It was past the point of no returns; store credit only. The crappy part is that I got this craving at completely the wrong mall. I should have headed a little more west. Home of the Forever XXI, and Sephora. Not Sirens and Winners.

Alas, this was where my addiction decided to break out like a rash. I bought shoes without trying them on. I grabbed at jewelery by the handfuls, nodding furiously at "2 for $10" and "buy one get one half off". I handed the cashier armfuls of Cute, seeing some shirts in the pile seemingly for the first time. It was like the best sex of my life on a sugar high. With Jude Law. A chocolate Jude Law.

$700 later, I had to stop. I actually felt like I had been orgasming for an hour and a half. It was time to push the mall out from between my legs. The bags were cutting through my fingers by that point, anyway.

Today, I feel remorse like I've never felt before. I'm such an idiot. My boyfriend's birthday is coming up. I was going to take him on a trip. But can I afford it now? No. I was supposed to go to New York with my best friend, and I told her I couldn't afford it. Well, now that's not even worth a laugh. I'm so selfish and stupid.

I didn't even get pants for all of these fabulous tops (it's the equivalent of fat people being shoe-holics. I hate my thighs, so I concentrate on the parts of my body that actually fit into things)...
No! I'm selfish and stupid. I'm NOT planning another shopping trip to include bottoms. There's nothing worse than being forced to sleep with the part of the mall that makes me feel fat.

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