Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pete and Life

This is Pete.
Pete is stress free.
Pete works for Performa.

"I hope you can give me 5 minutes of your time for Pete's sake!"

Gotta love salespeople and their gifts.

In other news, I'm rocking my life for the most part. Perhaps I'm smoking a little more. Perhaps I've put on a little weight 'round my tummy. Perhaps the heart isn't quite what it used to be. But all in all, if someone asked me if I was happy, my hesitation period before answering "yes" is wayy shorter than it was a few months ago.

Some would tell me that I asked for this. I chose a life that never promised a Cloud 9 existence. I'm going to be 30 without a husband, without a baby, and without any promise of either in the near future. I'm not sure what I'm following - my heart, or my habits? I can't tell the difference anymore. I can't tell which one is pushing me to continue on to destruction, and which one is trying desperately to save me from doing just that.

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