Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Snobs on James

If asked to list my interests, the people who've met me would probably put fashion at least in the top 5. I'm just saying. Keep that in mind when you read my latest story:

It was Saturday night. Adam and I had already spent about 24 hours together in bummy clothes, reaping the rewards from a trip to the market earlier that day. I was still hungry though (food would also be listed in my top 5), and we were due for a nice meal.

My Sexy Sweatpants from Aerie - yes, that's what they're called, and yes, they are - and black v-neck T combined to make my outfit of choice for the day. Adam looked oodles better, although he was in the process of growing his mustache for Movember. In short, we looked appropriate for the Hamilton scene.

We walked down the street and saw Ventura's, a Portuguese restaurant. It looked rough around the edges a little bit, perfect for how we were dressed.

We walk in and examine the decor of dusty shipping boats and trinkets from the sea. Cute: blue twinkle lights. Not exactly up to par for our choice of dining, but it would do. The wait staff were nicely dressed.

We waited by the 'Please Wait to be Seated' sign for quite a while until the owner walked up to us.

"We have no room. You can wait by the bar if you want, but there will be a long wait. About an hour. Hour and a half."

It should be noted that right behind him were two empty tables. Actually, the whole place was pretty much empty. There is no restaurant that will make you wait an hour and a half. Or even an hour, for that matter. Not even in New York. It took a few seconds to realize we were being kicked out for our sub-par dress. I was too shocked to argue.

We found a great sushi joint instead, and while eating my Edamame, I started getting angry. Who the hell does he think he is? It's downtown Hamilton, for heaven's sake. Not even downtown. Like, where the druggies live. Prostitutes walk this street. His blessed restaurant was beside a Chinese souvenir shop. It's not like we looked homeless. It's not like we don't know what to wear to a nice restaurant. His place looked dingy. It was what we settled for because we knew we couldn't dine at Acclamation.

I believe it takes more class to serve everybody with the same respect than to do what he did. That was downright new-money of him.


N said...

HAHA! You are such a hypocrite! (and i love you) You'd be the first one to complain if someone sat you next to a 'sub-par' dressed person at a restaurant ;)
Swallow the bitter pill of living as the rest of the Hamilton world does for a night.
Although, I suggest next time you dress up and go in there and then say 'sorry, not eating here' then run to Acclamation.

Blondie said...

awwww...you're kinda mean, and you're kinda right lol. But still. The place was pretty much empty.
And yes, I did have that idea in my head!!