Tuesday, November 2, 2010

forgive me while i lay here

November is never a good month for me. I'm creatively uninspired, sandwiched in between summer projects and Christmas presents. This depressions seeps into my wardrobe as well. It's not cold enough to wear cute sweaters and layers to hide my growing fat belly, but I look like a bonne retard (french is fun when you don't know it) if I enter the office with summer dresses. My paycheck goes to dinners and glutton activities to distract myself from the increasingly chilly weather, and shopping for clothes is not a priority. It's too dark in the morning to care anyway.

I rush home, snuggle up in front of the TV and my laptop, getting nothing else accomplished except for my Sims family goals. Usually.

Yesterday though, was another story.

I drove over a curb at lunch. Entirely. So much so that my car began to sound like it should be at the Indy 500. I couldn't accelerate over 60, and couldn't even talk on the cell phone while driving (NOT that I do that, because that would be illegal) because it was too loud. I freaked. It didn't even fix itself after work, like my car usually does if I leave it be for a while. So I had to take it in.

"I have $476 in my bank. That's it. That's all I have," I warned the mechanic guy, whom I probably startled as I walked in with my finger wagging. I don't trust mechanics. They will take hundreds of my precious dollars and I have no clue what they did, or how long it really took them to fix it. Luckily, I was able to check out the car with him. He started with his head shake, his "you're screwed" speech, and "you need to keep the car here for the week while we get a new muffler". Pish. Posh. I looked at it. All that happened was that my muffler popped out of...whatever it's attached to. I told him to re-pop it back in. He did. He's all "normally I'd charge someone about $100 for this, plus the cost of the clamp". The 10 cent clamp that took him 2 minutes to screw on. "I'll give you $20," says I. And I drove off. Fuck that shit. $100?? For 10 minutes' work? I just got out of the office after a 9 hour day. I know what things are worth.

And so, I drove to the mall and happily spent $90 on some hair products and a sweater. Then my man took me out for dinner. And that, my friends, is how my world works.

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